Optimisation of low-weight cargo UAV with real-time controller by CAD design, FEM simulation and dynamic modelling
by Mbadiwe S. Benyeogor; Oladayo O. Olakanmi; Kosisochukwu P. Nnoli; Kehinde O. Odeyemi; Eric J.J. Gratton
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology (IJMPT), Vol. 67, No. 1, 2023

Abstract: In this article, we present a novel approach to designing and optimising unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to carry low-weight cargo. Various computational design techniques are involved, including the computer-aided design (CAD) of the aircraft's mechanical components and the simulation of its structural and material properties by finite elements methods (FEMs). Mathematical models were also used to describe and improve the rotor-dynamic stability, control, and weight-carrying capacity of the UAV. Based on these, an all-aluminum UAV with a real-time controller was prototyped and test-flown severally with payloads of different weights. Results show that our UAV system is optimal and aerodynamically efficient for low-weight cargo deployment. Additional testing demonstrates the energy-efficiency and suitability of our UAV for logistical, remote sensing, and agricultural applications.

Online publication date: Wed, 12-Jul-2023

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