Interceding of repurchase intention between e-loyalty and word of mouth advocacy: a study of behavioural consequences and antecedents of e-loyalty
by Shabnam Gulati; Gursimranjit Singh; Arvind Kumar
International Journal of Electronic Business (IJEB), Vol. 18, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: Internet is nowadays the new medium for shopping and the emergence of e-commerce is catalysing the demand for e-shopping globally. India, the second largest consumer base worldwide, is at present the fifth greatest destination for the online retail globally and stands merit for providing new growth avenues to future retailers as well as the existing retailers facing saturation levels in the west. This study examines the antecedents and the behavioural consequences of e-loyalty in Indian context to draw meaningful insights for the apparel retailers, especially when home stay restrictions of COVID-19 have forced brick-and-mortar retailers to shift to only e-retail mode. The findings received from a survey of 1,200 female e-shoppers from India suggest that e-REP, e-SAT, e-trust, e-CO and e-PV are the antecedents of e-loyalty while e-WOM advocacy and RI are its behavioural consequences. Therefore, by taking care of e-REP, e-SAT, e-trust, e-CO and e-PV of female shoppers, the e-retailers can ascertain improved bottom lines along with costless WOM advocacies.

Online publication date: Wed, 12-Jul-2023

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