Profiling regulatory governance framework to strengthen industry performance: application of the fuzzy analytical hierarchical process
by Brajesh Mishra
International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management (IJTPM), Vol. 23, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: The study proposes a novel regulatory governance profiling technique, using mixed method approach, to strengthen industry performance. This profiling technique, although developed in the context of Indian domestic electronics industry, can be easily adopted to strengthen performance of other industries. The study uses document analysis and thematic analysis to identify eight regulatory governance parameters, 18 sub-parameters and industry performance indicators, respectively. Next, the study adopts the fuzzy analytical hierarchical process to rank the importance of the identified macro regulatory governance parameters and sub-parameters. The market access and IC ecosystem/supporting infrastructure have emerged as top two crucial parameters. The equitable market access, market distortion, IC ecosystem, R&D supported domestic manufacturing, and foreign direct investments are among top ranked sub-parameters, constituting a combined weights of 60%. Increased focus of policy makers on these five regulatory governance sub-parameters may transform the regulatory governance framework and enhance India's participation in the global value ecosystem.

Online publication date: Mon, 31-Jul-2023

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