Combined application of condition-based maintenance and reliability centred maintenance using PFMEA and lean concepts - a case study
by Claudia R. Carvalho de Oliveira; José Cristiano Pereira; Nelio Domingues Pizzolato
International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences (IJIDS), Vol. 15, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: Productivity is an essential element for competitiveness, helping companies to be better prepared for the future, given all of today's challenges. Such productivity needs to be clearly confirmed by operational results. This paper covers assets maintenance effectiveness, one of the productivity evaluation components increasingly gaining business attention. The proposed methodology helps the achievement of the required effectiveness on asset maintenance, by combining the concepts of reliability centred maintenance and condition-based maintenance, also supported by PFMEA, a successful risk management strategy, and lean manufacturing practices. A case study was conducted in a high technology enterprise, combining those referred concepts. The implementation process used 'minimum viable product' strategy. The main concept is based on suitable equipment inspection and diagnosis practices which guide interventions and cleverer behaviour towards asset management. As a result, in the first year of implementation, 5% to 10% cost reduction was obtained together with a significant increase in equipment availability which has reached a level of 95%.

Online publication date: Fri, 11-Aug-2023

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