Lecturers' perceptions on usage and security of examination modes of assessment used in universities: a case study of Mbarara and Bishop Stuart Universities in Uganda
by Deborah Natumanya; Evarist Nabaasa
International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence (IJITCC), Vol. 4, No. 2, 2023

Abstract: Assessment is core to teaching institutions; students are subjected to formal assessments to determine the skills and knowledge acquired from a subject. Modes of assessment used include paper-based, electronic and oral, which are either used for continuous or final examinations. A quantitative study was carried out to understand the usage and security of these modes of assessment so as to determine that which is more secure and acceptable by lecturers. Results obtained from the study show that much as paper based is the commonly used mode of assessment, it still faces challenges which can be eliminated with electronic assessment once the free e-hand marking, ability to examine essay questions and e-submission of answer scripts components are incorporated in e-assessment. From the study, 93% of lecturers prefer e-examinations because of their advantages while 7% insist that paper based and oral examinations are easier to use due to technological hardships of e-examinations.

Online publication date: Fri, 11-Aug-2023

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