Are millennials in Qatar making m-commerce the future of online shopping?
by Nasrina Issa Mauji; Emad A. Abu-Shanab
International Journal of Sustainable Society (IJSSOC), Vol. 15, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: The emergence of mobile commerce has revolutionised consumers' buying behaviour, particularly among millennials known to be the key driver of the on-demand economy. This study explored the online purchasing behaviour of millennials in Qatar, specifically the difference between millennials and other age categories. The study tested the influence of perceived immersive seamless experience (PISE) within the context of UTAUT2 to predict the adoption of m-commerce. Results partially supported UTAUT2, where performance expectancy, effort expectancy, price value, facilitating conditions and PISE significantly predicted behavioural intentions (BI) (R2 = 0.875). Social influence and hedonic motivation failed to influence BI. BI significantly predicted use behaviour. An ANOVA test substantiated that millennials had higher perceptions than Generation X, while Generation Z yielded contradictory results. The study utilised 386 responses from Qatar and used SEM statistical technique to test the research model. Conclusions and future work are reported at the end of this work.

Online publication date: Mon, 14-Aug-2023

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