Experimental analysis of biodiesel production from used cooking oil and its combustion, performance and emission analysis at different blending ratios in diesel engine
by Brihaspati Singh; Anmesh Kumar Srivastava; Om Prakash
International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology (IJRET), Vol. 14, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: Energy demand is increasing rapidly, and as per forecast, this time's important fossil energy source will end in the next 50 years. Everyone has to think of some renewable energy source to meet future energy demand. In this study, the experimental analysis of biofuel production from used cooking oil and its performance and emission analysis is done for fuel blending B00, B05, B10, and B15. The biodiesel yield obtained is 97% with 1:10 oil methanol ratio with transesterification reaction. The biofuel's viscosity is 2.061 cp and viscosity of used cooking oil was 25.78 cp. Engine behaviour have been analysed for all fuel blending. The fuel blending B10 has shown the better engine performance among all other fuel. In the emission analysis, the fuel blending B10 shows the maximum CO2 and NOX emissions. HC emission is maximum for B15 and minimum for B05 fuel blending. Minimum CO emission was found for fuel B10.

Online publication date: Tue, 22-Aug-2023

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