A review on various strategies used for improving the performance of solar dryer
by Kalpeshkumar Patel; Tushar M. Patel
International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology (IJRET), Vol. 14, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: In India, due to the abundant source of solar energy, it is considered the essential energy source. There are many solar energy technologies available for various purposes like drying, cooking, heating, water production, generation of electricity, etc. Solar drying is a potential application to conserve crops in the tropical region of India. The modern technology of drying needs to be upgraded because of the intermittent supply of solar energy during the night and in cloudy seasons. Thermal storage is incorporated to improve the work of equipment. As already reviewed by many researchers, sensible and latent heat storage materials are used to enhance the quality of work of thermal storage. The current review article shows solar drying technologies for the purpose of drying products. Different technologies incorporated into solar drying like thermal storage (sensible and latent), nanomaterial applications, and many more are included in this article. The current article also depicts different technologies that are not currently used in solar drying technologies, but in the future they may be. From this review article, it is clear that solar drying is a very important way to speed up the drying process.

Online publication date: Tue, 22-Aug-2023

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