A systems engineering approach for Baxter Assistant: programming platform to facilitate the configuration of CoBots through natural language
by Juan C. Tejada; Alejandro Toro-Ossaba; Juan Berruecos; Santiago Rúa; Daniel Sanin-Villa; Alexandro López-González
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Vol. 72, No. 2, 2023

Abstract: Collaborative robots (cobot) are a great solution for companies that must automate processes without modifying the production line, however, these robots lose flexibility in the application when they need to be located in another point of the production line performing a different task than usual because this action involves programming changes. This paper presents the creation of a programming platform that facilitates the configuration of cobots, for the operator to reprogram the robot simply by writing the task to be performed in a web application, without any programming structure, compatible with the flexibility and adaptability of the collaborative robot. To develop this platform, a technology called Robotic Process Automation (RPA) will be used, with which a bot will be created with the ability to interpret user instructions, structure the corresponding code and program the cobot. Thus, a platform is obtained capable of implementing without the need for additional hardware.

Online publication date: Sun, 27-Aug-2023

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