Fatigue life of aircraft structure in corrosion and pollution environment
by Ran Zhuo
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology (IJMPT), Vol. 67, No. 2, 2023

Abstract: With the development of science and technology, the application of aircraft is more and more extensive, and corrosive pollution has caused great obstacles to the operation of aircraft. In this paper, a quasi-normal distribution model is proposed to calculate the corrosion pollution environment and aircraft structure damage, and three sets of experiments are carried out for static tension, conventional environment corrosion and accelerated corrosion. Because the normal distribution is a natural distribution and is not affected by human beings, and the atmospheric environment is a natural environment that can be more in line with the normal distribution, this paper proposes a tentative normal distribution model for corrosion prediction calculations. This paper can predict the fatigue life of aircraft structures in corrosive and polluted environments, with an accuracy rate of over 95%.

Online publication date: Mon, 28-Aug-2023

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