Research on the influencing factors of mobile learning behaviour: taking the accounting learning app as an example
by Dan Chen; Xiyuan Guo; Chang Liu
International Journal of Mobile Communications (IJMC), Vol. 22, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: In recent years, with the continuous development of mobile communication technology and network technology, mobile communication equipment has entered the intelligent development era. Intelligent mobile devices have the characteristics of interactivity, convenience, intelligence, and portability, and gradually enter into our daily life. Mobile learning is a new learning mode developed by mobile terminal equipment combined with wireless network communication technology. In this mode, learners can use various mobile terminals (such as smartphones, Pocket PCs, iPads, iPhones, etc.) to communicate, interact and learn with the help of a mobile communication network or WLAN. At present, there is no well-established conclusion on the factors affecting mobile learning behaviour. Therefore, based on the perspective of accounting learning app and using the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model for reference, this paper presents relevant research hypotheses from four aspects of performance expectation, effort expectation, social influence and facilitating condition, and designs and issues questionnaires to collect data. Based on the structural equation modelling method, this paper analyses 485 valid sample data, explores the factors affecting mobile learning behaviour, and gives suggestions for improving app mobile learning behaviour.

Online publication date: Fri, 01-Sep-2023

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