Employee affection strategies through employer branding: evidence from Indian manufacturing sector
by S. Sathyanarayana; Veena Shenoy; Nivedita Jha
International Journal of Business and Globalisation (IJBG), Vol. 34, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: Employer branding has taken substantial consideration in recent times. Employer brand has developed an actual and a vital instrument to achieve competitive advantage in the current corporate world over its rivals. The current study helped us to understand employee affection in the Indian manufacturing sector based on employer branding, employee retention strategies, organisation culture, organisational identification, and employee welfare activities as attributes. The 250 responses from Peenya industrial area in Bangalore City, India, are collected to prove the regression model proposed in this study. Regression results show that employer branding (X1), organisation culture (X3), organisational identification (X4), and employee welfare (X5) were the significant determinants of employee affection. A strong employer branding strategy, both internal and external, can positively contribute to enhanced recruitment of talents to the organisation, retention of the existing workforce, and also assists in differentiating the company from the competitors.

Online publication date: Mon, 11-Sep-2023

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