Impact of training and development programmes on skills and overall career development of bank employees: the case of Punjab (India)
by Manuja Garg; Sanjeev Bansal
International Journal of Services and Operations Management (IJSOM), Vol. 46, No. 1, 2023

Abstract: In this technological era, both public and private sectors are going through technological up gradation and becoming competitive in nature. With this, the banking sector is also facing a huge transformation in its working style by utilising the internet and mobile banking, etc., which is the symbiosis of technology and financial services. These services are proved to be the hottest area of development in banking sector. To upgrade their manpower, training and development programmes are the key aspects of any organisation. To validate the effect of these programmes this study analyses the sample of 400 employees of various public and private banks in Punjab (India). The analysis has been performed using multiple regression and structure equation modelling approaches and both the approaches reveals that there is a significant impact on the overall career development with training and development programmes.

Online publication date: Fri, 15-Sep-2023

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