Awareness among employees towards investment products
by Khujan Singh; Aarti Devi; Pooja Muwal
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (IJICBM), Vol. 30, No. 1, 2023

Abstract: The study aims to explore the awareness of various investment products and evaluate the effect of demographic and socio-economic factors on the awareness of investment products among government employees in Haryana, India. Primary data have been collected from 394 government employees with the help of a self-structured questionnaire. Exploratory factor analysis has been used to extract the dimensions of investment product awareness. One-way ANOVA and t-test have been used to identify the influence of demographic and socio-economic factors on investment product awareness. Exploratory factor analysis extracted eight dimensions of investment product awareness. The result showed that age significantly influences the awareness of all investment products except for balance growth products. However, education has a significant effect only on the awareness of risk-averse products. The awareness level of employees covered under different pension schemes is significantly different in risk-averse products, specific purpose products, and NPS.

Online publication date: Thu, 21-Sep-2023

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