Learners and system readiness for digital learning in the Ethiopian health sector: the path to blended learning
by Yifru Berhan; Muluken Dessalegn; Aranka Hetyey; Bekalu Assamnew; Sentayehu Tsegaye; Misrak Makonnen; Sintayehu Abebe
International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation (IJMLO), Vol. 17, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: The increasing global digital interconnectedness, the emerging user-friendly and cost-effective digital learning platforms are easing the barriers for reaching unlimited audience, and the lessons learned from coronavirus disease (COVID-19) restrictions have opened room for digital learning. In this study, quantitative and qualitative methods were employed by including 393 lower and mid-level health workers from different regions and 27 key informants from governmental and non-governmental organisations to get an insight into the learners and system readiness for digital learning. The most preferred delivery mode was blended learning. The cost-effectiveness of the method, high access to mobile devices, government and partners' commitment along with trainees' preference are persuasive conditions to implement and transform digital learning for health workers in Ethiopia and increase the health workforce as an important intervention for achieving universal health coverage and health-specific sustainable development goals at large.

Online publication date: Tue, 03-Oct-2023

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