Cryptographic applications of a new hyperchaotic system with a hidden attractor
by Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan; Irene M. Moroz; Aceng Sambas; Bassem Abd-El-Atty; Ahmed A. Abd El-Latif
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Vol. 72, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: This work puts forth a new 4D hyperchaotic 2-scroll dynamics with a hidden attractor. The proposed nonlinear system has three quadratic terms and it is established that there is no fixed point for the proposed dynamics for all values of the system constants. Bifurcation analysis for the proposed system is investigated in detail. Next, we invoke Multisim for the development of an electronic circuit for the proposed hyperchaotic dynamics. Finally, we present some cryptographic applications of the proposed hyperchaotic dynamics. A new algorithm for the construction of substitution boxes (S-boxes) using the presented hyperchaotic system is proposed, in which the performance of the generated S-box demonstrates its efficiency and reliability for designing modern block-cipher cryptosystems. The proposed hyperchaotic system is utilised for generating Pseudo-Random Number Generators (PRNGs), in which the results of NIST SP 800-22 tests demonstrate the randomness characteristics of the generated PRNG sequences.

Online publication date: Wed, 04-Oct-2023

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