A model of factors influencing customers' intention to use e-wallets during COVID-19 in Vietnam
by Bui Nhat Vuong
International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing (IJEMR), Vol. 14, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: During the current pandemic, humanity is facing many difficulties. People have to keep a certain distance to be able to keep themselves safe. As a consequence, e-commerce appears and helps humans to buy/sell without having to meet each other directly. Along with the growth of e-commerce, electronic payment has become explosive, and as if it was created to solve this, e-wallet has come to prominence. E-wallet brings many benefits for people as convenient, fast, economical, etc. Therefore, the aim of this research is to discover factors that affect the intention to use e-wallets, noting the mediating roles of attitude toward using e-wallets. Survey data was collected from 740 respondents who have knowledge of e-wallet as Momo, Zalopay, AirPay and ViettelPay in Vietnam. Results from the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) discovered that facilitating condition, perceived credibility, effort expectancy, social influence, and performance expectancy positively impacted intention to use e-wallets. Also, these relationships were mediated by attitude toward using the e-wallet. Moreover, this study also proposed some recommendations to enhance intention to use e-wallets during COVID-19 in Vietnam.

Online publication date: Fri, 06-Oct-2023

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