Human centric intellectual property rights and legal personality of artificial intelligence
by S. Suganya; E. Prema
International Journal of Intellectual Property Management (IJIPM), Vol. 13, No. 3/4, 2023

Abstract: As technology continues to revolutionise how humans work and operate, many parts of human activity will be replaced or supplemented by newer technologies. Trends in technological innovation may have a more significant impact on some previously unaffected human tasks. A growing number of consensus recommendations give legal personality to AI systems. Arguments are often based on utility and contrasted with companies. When AI systems are indistinguishable from living things, they should have the same legal status. Therefore, a legal assessment of the effectiveness of technological developments is required. This article will discuss the potential impact of AI on intellectual property. With AI advancing so rapidly, existing IP rules need to be overhauled. There are few or no legal provisions for AI in the intellectual property. However, there is a significant degree of interaction and correlation between the two, which we will discuss in this article. AI is developing rapidly worldwide, coinciding with the scope of intellectual property (IPR). Because of this, the system needs to recognise and change some rules.

Online publication date: Tue, 10-Oct-2023

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