Trajectory tracking control for uncertain agricultural quadrotor based on combining ASMC and NFTSMC
by Falu Weng; Hui Wei; Yongji Huang; Leilei Hou
International Journal of Automation and Control (IJAAC), Vol. 17, No. 6, 2023

Abstract: In this paper, the trajectory tracking problem of an agricultural quadrotor UAV subjected to parametric uncertainty, system uncertainties and wind disturbances is studied. Firstly, because the agricultural quadrotor UAV system is a nonlinear system that makes it difficult to control, the system is divided into two subsystems based on its dynamic model: a position-signal-followed subsystem and an attitude-adjusted subsystem. Secondly, a control scheme that combines two parts: an adaptive sliding mode control (ASMC) and a non-singular fast terminal sliding mode control (NFTSMC), is used to control the subsystems. The ASMC is applied to control the position-signal-followed subsystem, in which three self-turning laws are used to estimate the mass change, system uncertainties and wind disturbances. The NFTSMC is used to control the attitude-adjusted subsystem, in which lumped disturbances are estimated by linear extended state observers (LESO). Finally, simulations are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed control scheme.

Online publication date: Fri, 27-Oct-2023

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