A study of stakeholders' procurement deficiencies, delays and cost overruns in Tanzania's construction projects
by Baraka Israel
International Journal of Procurement Management (IJPM), Vol. 18, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: This article investigates the stakeholders' procurement deficiencies that cause delays and cost overruns in Tanzania's construction projects using a cross-sectional research design and purposive sampling technique. Data were sourced from 126 respondents using a questionnaire. The extent of stakeholders' procurement deficiencies was ascertained by using the significance index. The study found bureaucratic bidding process, frequent order variations, corruption, non-compliance with contractual terms, use of inappropriate procurement methods and inexperienced contractors and consultants as the critical stakeholders' procurement deficiencies facing construction projects. About 52.2% of the surveyed projects revealed cost and time overruns by 29.33% and 33.6% respectively due to one or more stakeholders' procurement deficiencies. This article informs policymakers, scholars and oversight authorities on the stakeholders' procurement deficiencies affecting projects' cost and time which have not been systematically researched in Tanzania. The study's findings are confined to Tanzania's context and thus should not be regarded the same in other places and from non-procurement perspectives.

Online publication date: Wed, 01-Nov-2023

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