Uganda's antiretroviral distribution: sourcing flexibility mediates information technology integration and supply chain agility
by Sarah Watera; Noah Mwelu; Samali Mlay; Joseph Ntayi; Moses Muhwezi
International Journal of Procurement Management (IJPM), Vol. 18, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: This study looks at how sourcing flexibility mediates the relationship between information technology (IT) integration, and supply chain agility in the distribution of antiretroviral (ARV) by Joint Medical Stores in central Uganda. A cross sectional and quantitative research design was used whereby primary data was collected from 80 health units using self-structured questionnaires. Data was analysed using SPSS Version 20 and mediation determined in Medgraph using Sobel test based on Baron and Kenny (1986) guidelines. The findings indicated a positive and significant relationship between the constructs of IT integration, sourcing flexibility and supply chain agility. Sobel test indicate that sourcing flexibility mediates the relationship between IT integration and supply chain agility (Sobel z-value = 3.798, p = 0.000). Hence, to improve the supply chain's agility, measurement indicators of sourcing flexibility (supplier lead-time, expedition and number of components) should be given attention, as they are key interactive factors in ARVs' distribution.

Online publication date: Wed, 01-Nov-2023

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