Development of sustainable and circular criteria in supplier selection
by Maha Morssi; Andy T.C. Wong; Sahar El-Barky
International Journal of Procurement Management (IJPM), Vol. 18, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: Recently, sustainability and circular economy are becoming leading concepts in the context of contemporary industrialisation due to the global warming, economic implication, and social consciousness. Sustainable circular supplier selection addresses the sustainability practices in the context of circular economy. This study proposed a sustainable circular supplier selection model using fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory technique to determine the interrelationships between the criteria. The evaluation criteria are classified into four categories of economic, environment, social, and circular and evaluated by experts from industry using pairwise comparison. the results indicate that the criteria 'environmental management system' is the most important. Moreover, 'financial stability' and 'green technology' are the most influential criteria over the other criteria, on the other hand, 'cost' is mostly influenced by other factors. This study recommends further integration with other MCDM techniques to select and rank the best alternatives (suppliers) based on our proposed criteria.

Online publication date: Wed, 01-Nov-2023

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