A hybrid channel transmission method for effective spectrum access in cognitive radio networks
by Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher; Bhoopendra Kumar; Isaac Woungang; Han-Chieh Chao
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC), Vol. 44, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: Cognitive radio is considered as a very influencing technique and has the great potential to solve the problem of shortage of the radio spectrum. A secondary user also called as a cognitive user may access the primary channel(s) with a certain restrictions in a cognitive radio network. Spectrum sensing is a very important activity during the process of spectrum access. This paper proposes a Markov chain-based proactive hybrid spectrum access method for maximising the radio spectrum usage by optimising the channel sensing process and establishing the channel switching conditions. Using the OMNeT++ simulator, the proposed method (proactive hybrid access) is compared against that of the conventional (reactive hybrid access), overlay, and underlay access methods, showing its superiority by about 20% in terms of performance improvement with respect to throughput, service delay, and PU detection probability.

Online publication date: Thu, 30-Nov-2023

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