A survey of systemic risk in the banking industry
by Can Zhao; Dejun Xie; Zhiyong Chen
International Journal of Electronic Finance (IJEF), Vol. 13, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: The paper surveys the systemic risks in the banking industry, characterising the risks according to the risk source and market transmission mechanism. The corresponding approaches that could be leveraged by regulations to minimise such risks are meticulously analysed. Diverse isolated sources of systemic risk could be managed using differential measurements for separate sources using various data-based financial ratios and regulation tools. More sophisticated approach is the integration of various global measures, which are aimed at regulating systemic risk without specific sources, and it uses market data to operate a more efficient regulation. In this paper, detailed comparisons in terms of the advantages and disadvantages of these regulation tools and measures are discussed and suggestions for more robust future regulation are also provided.

Online publication date: Fri, 01-Dec-2023

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