How does an employee's green creativity influence environmental performance? Evidence from China
by Junbin Wang; Yangyan Shi; Mengmeng Wang; Byung Il Park; Michael Yao-Ping Peng; Nianqi Deng
International Journal of Technology Management (IJTM), Vol. 94, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: In recent decades, the literature has documented the importance of intellectual capital in corporate innovation and competitive edge. However, its influence on employee environmental performance in the Asia-Pacific region remains unclear. In this study, we used three multidimensional intellectual capital dimensions (i.e., green creativity, structural empowerment, and person-organisation fit) to test the effects of employees' green creativity on their environmental performance in organisational settings via the mediator of structural empowerment and examine whether person-organisation fit moderated these effects. Using a sample of 235 Chinese employees working in different industries, we found that green creativity positively influences employees' environmental performance. In addition, the effect is mediated by structural empowerment and moderated by person-organisation fit. These findings may help firms in the Asia-Pacific region guide their employees' daily activities to integrate potential environmental value into green innovation practice to enhance their competitiveness ultimately.

Online publication date: Sun, 03-Dec-2023

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