Field information monitoring system for micro-small quadrotor UAV based upon wireless sensor network
by Lei Gu; Juan Meng
International Journal of Global Energy Issues (IJGEI), Vol. 46, No. 1/2, 2024

Abstract: At present, information wireless sensor is a research hotspot. The wireless sensor network for drones provides a management method that can monitor farmland data. Farmland information collection is the research base of modern agriculture and digital agriculture. Its main content is to realise the dynamic, accurate and real-time monitoring of farmland geographical environment, soil structure, climate parameters, crop growth status and other information. Quadrotor drones are widely used in military, civilian, scientific research and education fields, and have the advantages of light weight, simple structure, low cost, and strong mobility. The influence of natural wind on quadrotor drones cannot be ignored, and it is one of the main reasons restricting the use of quadrotor drones. This paper takes quadrotor UAV as the research object, and studies a quadrotor UAV control system suitable for farmland data collection.

Online publication date: Sun, 03-Dec-2023

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