Earnings management and bank funding
by Van Dan Dang; Hoang Chung Nguyen
Global Business and Economics Review (GBER), Vol. 30, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: This paper investigates the impact of earnings management on bank funding. Using a sample of Vietnamese commercial banks between 2007 and 2019, we reveal that greater earnings opacity of banks causes a significant drop in total bank funding. When decomposing total funding into its components, we find that wholesale funds are the primary driver of the result, while no significant effect of earnings manipulation on retail deposits is documented. Further analyses on bank heterogeneity indicate that the unfavourable impact of earnings opacity on banks' wholesale funds is less pronounced for banks that are better capitalised, more liquid, larger in size, more profitable, and less risky. Through this consistent pattern, we can conclude that the financial strength of banks may alleviate the adverse effect of earnings opacity on bank funding. Our findings firmly survive after a series of robustness tests.

Online publication date: Mon, 04-Dec-2023

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