Nada yoga: effective complementary module for the stress-induced psycho-physiological disorders
by Vipin Rathore; Sandeep Singh; Nidheesh Yadav
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (IJICBM), Vol. 30, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: This research paper is aimed at finding the ancient verses documented in the classical text related to nada yoga. Previous studies had widely revealed that stress plays an important role in various physiological and psychological changes in the human being, diminishing immunity-related biological systems and various metabolic disorders. The research study opposes the application of antiquated knowledge to improve health at all societal levels by focusing on the numerous biological and psychological factors connected to immunity and metabolism. It reveals the exploration of the effectiveness of nada yoga as a tool for stress management. The research paper's comments at the end discuss nada yoga as an emerging therapeutic approach that offers a preferable substitute and supplemental mechanism for resolving stress-related problems and boosting immunity in general. It suggests that nada yoga is an effective complementary module for stress-induced psycho-physiological disorders leading to a wide arena for future research and study of its implications scientifically.

Online publication date: Tue, 05-Dec-2023

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