Deer-based chicken swarm optimisation algorithm: a hybrid optimisation algorithm for output domain testing
by Ramgouda Patil; V. Chandraprakash
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (IJGUC), Vol. 14, No. 6, 2023

Abstract: An effective combinatorial test case generation framework is devised in this research using a hybrid optimisation algorithm, Deer-based Chicken Swarm Optimisation (DCSO) for generating test cases for output domain testing of embedded systems. The developed DCSO is the amalgamation of the Deer Hunting Optimisation Algorithm (DHOA) and Chicken Swarm Optimisation (CSO) algorithm. The three different worst-case resource usage scenarios are considered in this research as an objective. The worst-case resource usage scenario includes Worst-Case Execution Times (WCET), Worst-Case Suite Size (WCSS) and Worst-Case Stack Usage (WCSU). The developed DCSO algorithm is used for output domain testing of embedded systems by generating combinatorial test cases. Metrics, such as fitness and test suite size, are used for analysing the developed DCSO algorithm. The proposed DCSO algorithm obtained a minimum test suite size of 84 and minimum fitness of 3.66, respectively, on comparing with the existing test case generation methods.

Online publication date: Tue, 05-Dec-2023

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