Study on entropy generation in a fully developed turbulent flow through a twisted elliptical tube with constant wall temperature
by Junlin Cheng; Wenjie Bian; Qiang Wang
International Journal of Exergy (IJEX), Vol. 42, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: This study investigates the generation of entropy in a fully developed turbulent flow through a twisted elliptical tube with a constant wall temperature. The impacts of the dimensionless temperature difference and mass flow rate on entropy production are considered. The influences of the aspect ratio (1.25-5) and twist pitch ratio (5-200) of the twisted elliptical duct are also studied. The results demonstrate that total dimensionless entropy generation increases as the mass flow rate and dimensionless temperature discrepancy increase. The results also illustrate that the geometric configuration of the twisted elliptical duct is an essential factor in influencing entropy generation.

Online publication date: Fri, 15-Dec-2023

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