Queuing models with customers' impatience: a survey
by Sapana Sharma; Rakesh Kumar; Bhavneet Singh Soodan; Pradeep Singh
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research (IJMOR), Vol. 26, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: Queuing systems with customers' impatience are highly applicable in many real life situations, for instance, in grocery stores, banks, hospitals, barber shops, call centres, online shopping, computer-communication networks, etc. The aim of this paper is to give a review of recent results on queuing systems with customers' impatience. In this paper, we present a survey and develop a classification scheme of queuing models with customers' impatience that includes vacation, feedback, priority service and retention of reneging customers. First, we introduce various queuing models with customers' impatience in chronological order. Second, we classify various queuing models with customers' impatience. We also provide some tables to illustrate some special features of these systems.

Online publication date: Mon, 18-Dec-2023

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