Relevance and sustainability of public enterprises in the African economy of today: a case of Botswana
by M. Mokaloba; T. Molokwane; B. Motshegwa
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (IJPSPM), Vol. 13, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: At independence, the absence of economic activity and private sector within African countries gave rationale to the establishment of public enterprises. Botswana did not escape this trend and hence established public enterprises. The changing economic environment suitable more to private entities has cast doubts on the relevance and sustainability of most public enterprises. Using an intrepretivist and descriptive research, this study locates public enterprises in the new 21st century Botswana economy and as such attempts to establish their relevance and sustainability. This study posits that the economic environment in Botswana today has taken a shift from when the country was still newly independent. Public enterprises in Botswana have seen nominal change in any form and are increasingly becoming irrelevant and a financial burden. In their current form, these semi-government organisations are an economic drag and as such require reform if they are to be sustained for the future.

Online publication date: Mon, 08-Jan-2024

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