Development of youth anti-corruption potential in the European Union
by Rita Toleikienė; Vita Juknevičienė; Sigitas Balčiūnas; Nora Leach
European J. of International Management (EJIM), Vol. 22, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: This paper analyses the dynamics of youth anti-corruption potential in the European Union (EU) member-states for the period 2013-2019. Youth anti-corruption potential is evaluated, based on three main dimensions: perception of corruption, attitudes towards the phenomenon and behaviour resisting the malpractice. The study relies on secondary statistical data from the Special Eurobarometer on Corruption (EU-28). The perception is evaluated, based on youth opinion of the prevalence of corruption in the EU countries and experience related to the phenomenon. The attitudes are examined, based on the level of youth intolerance towards the malpractice. The behaviour is analysed, based on the readiness for social action, related to reporting instances of corruption. The results of the comparative analysis demonstrate variations in terms of youth anti-corruption potential amongst clusters of EU states. First, the most favourable dynamics are observed amongst Western and Northern EU member-states in 2019. Second, Southern EU countries exhibit the most positive development trend in the evaluated period 2013-2019. Third, Central and Eastern EU states remain underperformers in terms of the strengthening of youth anti-corruption potential.

Online publication date: Wed, 10-Jan-2024

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