Exploring the effect of graphic design and student academic background on interactive multimedia learning in higher education
by Houria Kelkoul; Adil Zabadi; Youssef Zaz
International Journal of Innovation in Education (IJIIE), Vol. 8, No. 2/3/4, 2023

Abstract: The proposed research focuses on investigating factors that influence students' motivation and engagement with specific multimedia content, such as games and interactive videos. It examines the role of students' academic backgrounds and the appeal of graphic design in affecting their motivation towards digital learning. To do this, an experimental multimedia content, featuring interactive videos and games, is designed. This study primarily targets higher education, especially in the context of the ongoing pandemic, aiming to assess how students can effectively engage with complex learning scenarios that simulate real-world discovery. It introduces a transversal module designed for new students, allowing them to virtually visit the university campus while adhering to safety measures during the pandemic. The research begins by evaluating how students' academic backgrounds impact their ability and motivation to enhance their learning through interaction with multimedia content. The subsequent objective is to assess how the proposed graphic design of multimedia content can be attractive and conducive to effective learning. A dataset, comprising both quantitative and qualitative information, is collected from two groups of students: a test group and a control group, originating from various academic backgrounds.

Online publication date: Fri, 19-Jan-2024

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