An improved blind/referenceless image spatial quality evaluator algorithm for image quality assessment
by Xuesong Li; Jinfeng Pan; Jianrun Shang; Alireza Souri; Mingliang Gao
International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol. 27, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: Image quality assessment (IQA) methods are generally studied in the spatial or transform domain. Due to the BRISQUE algorithm evaluating the quality of an image only based on its natural scene statistics of the spatial domain, the frequency features that are extracted from the modulation transfer function (MTF) are applied to improve its performance. MTF is estimated based on the slanted-edge method. The two-dimensional grey fitting algorithm is utilised to estimate the edge slope more accurately. Then the three-order Fermi function is utilised to match the preliminary estimated edge spread function to reduce the aliasing influence on MTF estimation. The features such as crucial frequency and the MTF value at Nyquist frequency are calculated and adopted to the BRISQUE method to assess the image quality. Experimental results on the image quality assessment databases illustrated that the proposed method outperforms the BRISQUE method and some other common methods, based on the linear and nonlinear correlation between the image quality assessed by the methods and their subjective value.

Online publication date: Thu, 25-Jan-2024

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