Gamification and app engagement: a bibliometric analysis
by V.J.P. Dinesh; Sivakumar Alur
International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation (IJMNDI), Vol. 11, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: Mobile applications have been used across various sectors. However, user engagement with the app is important for it to gain traction. Gamification of mobile applications has the potential to enhance user engagement in these applications. Thus, gamification and its effect on app engagement have attracted considerable attention within the academic community. Publications in gamification research have grown dramatically from 2014 to 2022. The current bibliometric study is prompted due to the proliferation of gamification and app engagement literature. Data were extracted from 150 papers identified from the Scopus database using gamification and app engagement as search terms. Significant journals, authors, citations, countries, and research areas were analysed. The four important clusters in gamification and app engagement research were Gamified app, Cyber Security, Food Consumption, and eHealth. This study would benefit researchers and help app designers in developing and promoting mobile applications.

Online publication date: Thu, 01-Feb-2024

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