Organisational innovation, competitive advantage, and export performance
by Sohail Ayaz Muhammad; Shankar Chelliah
International Journal of Innovation and Learning (IJIL), Vol. 35, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: Despite ample research on the correlation between innovation and export performance, the mediating effect of competitive advantage on the two elements has been relatively unexplored. The study developed a framework that depicted the association between organisational innovation, competitive advantage, and export performance. Hypotheses on competitive advantage (differentiation advantage and low-cost advantage) that mediates the link between organisational innovation (product, production process, marketing, and managerial innovation) and export performance were tested through meta-analysis. The findings demonstrated that organisational innovation was a significant tool to gain superior export performance in the international market through competitive advantage. The results revealed a positive mediating effect of competitive advantage in relation to organisational innovation and export performance that support competitive advantage and dynamic capability theories. The study aimed to contribute to the existing literature by deducing the results, exploring the potential impact of competitive advantage on the link between organisational innovation and export performance. The findings have provided new insight to both researchers and practitioners about the vital role of organisational innovation in achieving a competitive advantage and superior export performance.

Online publication date: Fri, 02-Feb-2024

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