Optimisation-based development process for small-sized UAS
by David Sziroczák; David Szilágyi; Ármin Fendrik
International Journal of Sustainable Aviation (IJSA), Vol. 10, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: This article presents the optimisation-based development process used to develop an advanced configuration BWB UAS within the framework of the Hungarian PIACI-KFI project. The article introduces the project, and the business application-based determination of the design requirements. An overview of past and state-of-the art aircraft design processes is discussed, and the importance of optimisation and process drivers as integral parts of such systems is highlighted. Finally, the design stages of the conceptual level UAS designs are described and discussed. At each stage, the four stages process includes an optimisation process driver as an integral component, generating a large set of potential designs. From the design dataset the Pareto optimal points were identified, and results selected by the project consortium. The outcome of the design process were 2 connected designs: a development prototype under EU Open Category, and the final production version which can achieve the project's business goals.

Online publication date: Mon, 05-Feb-2024

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