Amalgamation of wavelet transform and neural network for COVID-19 detection
by Madhu Jain; Renu Sharma
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET), Vol. 44, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: A zoonotic natured virus affecting almost every part of the globe is COVID-19. Early detection of such disease may lead to curable affairs. Since then, many research institutes have been trying to find effective methods for detecting and curing COVID-19. Real-time polymerase chain reaction test is also a method used for detection of the COVID-19. But, due to its accuracy rate and availability of kit, it is not relied on. Here, a combination of machine learning and wavelet transform based algorithm for chest X-ray classification is proposed. Image pre-processing is done using wavelet transform and further the classification is done using convolution neural network. It is a multi-class classifier, which will classify whether input image is COVID-19 affected, pneumonia or not affected. The dataset collected for this study from an open-source repository. It comprises 2,550 images of each class. For quantitative analysis of the proposed architecture, parameters such as accuracy, precision, F1 score, recall and sensitivity are measured.

Online publication date: Thu, 29-Feb-2024

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