Knowledge-oriented leadership and innovative performance: role of creative self-efficacy and organisational climate in software industry of Pakistan
by Tauseef Ahmed; Muhammad Ajmal; Muhammad Anwar ul Haq
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL), Vol. 17, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: In the present study, the relationship between knowledge-oriented leadership and organisation innovative performance has been tested through the mediating role of creative self-efficacy, as it is crucial for workplace creativity. The supportive organisational climate can be a trigger to boost up all this innovative process. To obtain this objective, a structured questionnaire was designed and distributed among the software houses/IT firms in Pakistan. Responses of 309 employees of different software houses/IT firms from Islamabad and Karachi are gathered. The results show a positive relationship between knowledge-oriented leadership and innovative organisational performance. Employee's creative self-efficacy is another factor significantly affecting the relationship between knowledge-oriented leadership and innovative organisational performance as a mediator and as well as moderator. Knowledge-oriented leadership also creates a strong climate to enhance employee creative skills further.

Online publication date: Mon, 04-Mar-2024

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