Digital media and organisational environment as main influence factors for e-leadership
by Frauke Kempner
International Journal of Learning and Change (IJLC), Vol. 16, No. 2/3, 2024

Abstract: E-leadership as one of the new leadership paradigms is located in a wide field of different leadership theories and titles like remote leadership, virtual leadership, digital or distance leadership mean. However, all new leadership styles are mainly influenced by their environment above all by the organisational infrastructure of their companies as well as the individual competencies actual leaders have or need to have in dealing with new media. The following paper shows statistically proven, that the main competencies of e-leadership are e-trust, e-communication and e-technologies and that they are mainly influenced by the organisational infrastructure. The final result of the study contains the finding that information symmetry plays a crucial role in the whole e-leader-follower cooperation, which could be further explored in future research.

Online publication date: Thu, 21-Mar-2024

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