Comparison of corrosion behaviour on 18% Ni 250 grade maraging steel under weld aged condition in NaCl and H2SO4
by Rama Pavan Kumar Varma Indukuri; Rama Murty Raju Penmetsa; Srinivasa Rao Chalamalasetti; Rajesh Siriyala
International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation (IJMATEI), Vol. 15, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: Maraging steel sheets are used to manufacture components such as metal bellows that must withstand extreme temperatures and corrosion resistance in a variety of industries, including aircraft and aerospace. Laser beam welding is used to join maraging steel 250 plates with a thickness of 2 mm in this work. Under weld-aged conditions, the corrosion behaviour of 18% Ni MDN 250 grade maraging steel was examined in 1 M sulphuric acid (H2SO4) and 1 M sodium chloride (NaCl) solutions of equal concentrations. The potentiodynamic linear polarisation technique was used to conduct corrosion study. The results indicated that the corrosion rate increased with increasing laser power followed by welding speed and focal position. It is possible to improve the corrosion resistance of welded connections by adjusting the welding process parameters.

Online publication date: Mon, 25-Mar-2024

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