A developmental study to create use cases to address the financial and other relevant issues faced by millennials through account aggregation
by Prashant Goyal; Anjali Krishna; Eshwar Inuganti; Nitin Sankaran; Shivam Nathani; Sonali Jajodia
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), Vol. 33, No. 4, 2024

Abstract: The role of the study was to determine the gaps felt by millennials in the established commercial system and, consequently create use cases for bridging the existing gaps wherever possible through account aggregation. Account aggregation is a process that promotes structured financial data sharing from financial information providers (FIPs) to financial information users (FIUs), which retain a log of the consent provided and offering the ability to withdraw or manage the consent originally provided by the client. The research paper revolves around identifying the possibilities of solving existing financial issues through account aggregation. Hence, the research was based on a survey conducted on the millennial population, which was further classified into three categories for the study. The study led to the development of use cases in various sectors that can be utilised in developing the account aggregator ecosystem.

Online publication date: Tue, 02-Apr-2024

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