A dominant-duopoly competitive-fringe model of the world soybean export market
by Azzeddine Azzam; Sunil Dhoubhadel
International Journal of Trade and Global Markets (IJTGM), Vol. 19, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: The Herfindahl index of US and Brazil soybean export concentration declined between 1980 and 2005, stabilised until 2010, and rose afterward. To the extent that concentration shapes conduct, the question this paper explores is the degree to which conduct has transitioned from one regime to another as concentration changed. For methodology, we formulate an empirically implementable dominant-duopoly competitive-fringe model and combine it with a switching regression technique to determine if there are critical concentration levels at which the transition in conduct occurred. While we do find a critical soybean export concentration level, we are not able to reject competition.

Online publication date: Thu, 04-Apr-2024

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