Users' satisfaction evaluation of telemedicine mobile applications based on ISO standards
by José Pereira; Bráulio Alturas; Catarina Marques
International Journal of Mobile Communications (IJMC), Vol. 23, No. 3, 2024

Abstract: This study focuses on assessing the satisfaction of telemedicine mobile application users. Four perspectives, namely acceptance, quality as a software product, content quality and usage quality are assessed. The applications selected in the study are from two Portuguese market leaders in the sector. A model is tested based on the ISO 25010:2011 and ISO 25012:2008, and data from a survey to gather the user's opinion of this type of mobile application. We conclude that there is a direct connection between the acceptance and the content quality of telemedicine application as well as the quality of the application as a product software, being possible to identify that the users consider the content and the application quality as fundamental factors to accept these applications.

Online publication date: Fri, 05-Apr-2024

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