People's awareness, behaviour, and willingness about solid waste management in Bhopal City
by Rahul Haribhau Wadghane; Omprakash Madguni
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management (IJEWM), Vol. 33, No. 4, 2024

Abstract: The study identifies solid waste management (SWM) problems in Bhopal, India. Awareness of the segregation1, daily waste collection, willingness to use non-plastic products, and willingness to reduce waste at the source has a low positive correlation with a willingness to pay. Only 52.15% of respondents know something about SWM. 39.67% of respondents were not happy about the present SWM. The habit of throwing waste from people is the major problem after irregular sanitary work, harmful consumption patterns and governance. 50.27% of respondents segregated waste, and 94% of the respondents are willing to segregate. 65.76% of respondents have a daily waste collection, and 86.41% of respondents are willing to have a daily collection. 66.12% of respondents were willing to pay extra money for improvement in the SWM. Segregated collection with bins and containers (31.45%) and proper disposal of the solid waste (23.92%) were the top-ranked demands in the existing SWM. 89.50% of the respondents were willing to use non-plastic products. 88.17% of respondents said they are willing to reduce waste at the source.

Online publication date: Fri, 12-Apr-2024

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