IMAP-QL: an improved multi-agent pursuit path-planning based on Q-learning
by Mohammed El Habib Souidi; Makhlouf Ledmi; Toufik Messaoud Maarouk; Abdeldjalil Ledmi; Ferial Laassami
International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications (IJSCC), Vol. 15, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: Multi-agent path planning is a complex problem aiming to find the shortest trajectory. In this paper, we propose a cooperative path planning based on a hybridisation of two motion behaviours. The first behaviour concerns the strategy in which the agents are independently moving to their common objective according to the detected environment's rewards. The second behaviour is based on the leader-followers strategy through which the follower agents are moving in the direction of their leader agent to achieve their objectives. The goal of this work is to provide an equilibrium between these two approaches by allowing the follower agents to move in the direction of the objective instead of following the leader in some cases to decrease the execution time. To prove the approach's feasibility, we applied it to the multi-pursuer multi-evader game in comparison with the recent approaches. The obtained results prove the efficiency of the proposed approach.

Online publication date: Fri, 10-May-2024

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