Performance evaluation of an extended aeration treatment plant: a case study in Sarawak, Malaysia
by Ahmad Faiz Abd Rashid; Mohamad Ezad Hafez Mohd Pahroraji; Amira Shazlin Adnan; Juferi Idris; Albright Jeffary; Baxley Jinuin Victor; Nur Diana Wakimin; Muhamad Firdaus Abdullah; Rafidah Husen
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management (IJEWM), Vol. 34, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: The extended aeration system is a sewage treatment plant for domestic and industrial wastewater. This study evaluates the performance of an extended aeration treatment plant (EATP), located at Universiti Teknologi MARA Sarawak Branch which has operated for more than 20 years. The evaluation consists of the temperature, pH, turbidity, total suspended solids (TSS), and chemical oxygen demand (COD) of influent (raw wastewater) and effluent (treated wastewater). The results show that the temperature, pH, turbidity, TSS, COD, and BOD5, of the effluent were in the range of 29.0°C to 30.5°C, 7.2 to 7.4, 16.6 NTU to 64.1 NTU, 76.6 mg/L to 176.0 mg/L, 32.0 mg/L to 67.5 mg/L and 18.0 mg/L to 68.0 mg/L respectively. Overall, most of the parameters are within the Standard B of Department of Environment Malaysia excluding turbidity, TSS and BOD5, which were marginally high. The plant is considered functioning well, and proper maintenance service is essential to ensure the effluent is within the standard limit.

Online publication date: Fri, 28-Jun-2024

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