A graphical method to determine the incinerability of municipal solid waste
by Roshni Mary Sebastian; Dinesh Kumar; Babu J. Alappat
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management (IJEWM), Vol. 34, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: Incinerability index (i-Index) is a recently developed multi-dimensional indicator which quantifies the incinerability of municipal solid waste (MSW) incorporating the 3-E concept. However, a limit/range of values needs to be defined within which MSW can sustain incineration autogenously. This article showcases a graphical method to determine the incinerability, called incinerability plot or i-Plot. i-Plot consists of a plot constructed using normalised parameter values. Three incinerability zones are subsequently defined, viz. central non-incinerable zone, followed by incinerable and autogenously incinerable zone. As the distance from the centre of the plot increases, incinerability increases, until it attains self-sustained combustibility towards the outer boundary of incinerable zone. The corresponding i-Index values are used to establish an incinerability range. MSW with i-Index > 45 is hence incinerable, whereas i-Index > 89 is autogenously incinerable for energy recovery. Based on the position of MSW in the plot and the composite indicator value, assessment of incinerability may be made. i-Plot also illustrates the variation in individual parameter scores besides identifying the contribution of individual parameters to the incinerability.

Online publication date: Fri, 28-Jun-2024

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