From baby boomers to Gen Z: global warming and business
by Angelina Kiser; Tracie Edmond
Interdisciplinary Environmental Review (IER), Vol. 23, No. 4, 2024

Abstract: The aim of this study was to examine participants (Gen Z, millennials, Gen X, baby boomers) responses to three questions on the Climate Change in the American Mind: National Survey and to relate their responses to the impact on businesses. The present study offers insight into how the generations view climate change and the concept of climate change regulation. Furthermore, discussions include an analysis of how businesses are faced with challenges related to consumer behaviours with respect to respondents' views on climate change and global warming. Results indicated that a majority respondents from all generations have some level of concern about global warming. Therefore, businesses must adapt their climate change initiatives to meet the changing demands of consumers. The challenges of meeting consumer demands involve a paradigm shift in business toward a more sustainable future.

Online publication date: Wed, 31-Jul-2024

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